NO "50-50" DEAL WITH T.R.
Billy Sunday Won't Share Tabernacle With Colonel Here.
If Theodore Roosevelt speaks in the tabernacle on Memorial day, May 30, there will be no Billy Sunday services. That much was insinuated by the evangelist yesterday when a man claiming to be the spokesman for the Roosevelt committee on arrangements approached him on the subject.
It was set forth to Mr. Sunday that the services might cut down the Rough Rider crowd if he spoke in Convention hall. Would Mr. Sunday give over the work of God for the afternoon while the Colonel occupied the pulpit and spoke for preparedness?"
Mrs. Sunday replied that it was not a custom of her husband to give way to anything or anybody.
Could they speak from the same platform, then?
Billy Sunday himself replied. He said, "I won't split my services."
Further than that he had nothing to say, but it was understood that a committee would see him again.