May 7, 1916

Famous Dallin Bronze May Be Mounted in Penn Valley Park.

Kansas City art lovers, who object to buying art objects for municipal exploitation "sight unseen," will be given a chance to view the famous Dallin bronze statue, "The Scout." D. J. Haff, president of the local committee interested in purchasing the statue, announced yesterday that it is being shipped from San Francisco, where it was one of the important sights of the exposition last year and took the gold medal. Immediately upon arrival it will be turned over to the park board to be placed on exhibition either in Penn Valley park or the station plaza.

"I think there is some difference of opinion as to which would be the better location to give it public exhibition," said Mr. Haff yesterday. "This matter will be determined by the committee at the meeting Monday afternoon. The board of park commissioners have agreed to give the matter every attention."

The meeting of the Dalton statue committee has been called for tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock in the City Club rooms.

Cyrus Dallin, the sculptor, is shipping the statue with the full knowledge that Kansas Cityans may not be sufficiently impressed with it to want to retain it. The committee, most of whom have viewed it in its position at the entrance of the exposition fine arts building, believe that not only will it be universally admired as a work of art, but recognized as a fitting symbol of Kansas City history. The figure is of an Indian, seated negligently on the back of a shaggy pony and gazing with hand-shaded eyes apparently across some limitless prairie.

In the belief that the small model of the statue would be sufficient to kindle interest in the purchase of this statue, the plaster group has been shown at the Fine Arts Institute since the first of the year. It is so unlike the finished model, however, that it has not been met with the approval of either the committee or the people they wish to interest.