January 3, 1907
Teamster's Wife Ends Her Life --
Two Other Women Try Self-Destruction
The first day of the new year was marked on the surgeons' "blood book" at police headquarters with the record of one suicide and two attempted suicides, all women. All used carbolic acid.
In a tiny room above an Italian grocery store at 507 Grand avenue, Mrs. Mabel Goin, 25 years old, after kissing her 3-year old baby boy goodbye and writing a note requesting that he be cared for by friends, swallowed a quantity of carbolic acid about 9 o'clock last night and died a few moments later. The cause for her act is said to have been a quarrel that she and her husband had earlier in the evening. Her husband, Tod Goin, is a teamster, employed by the Clinton Transfer Company.
Mary Maxwell, 22 years old, 407 Independence avenue, swallowed carbolic acid an hour later, because of despondency, she said. She, also, had quarreled with her husband, she said. Assistant Police Surgeon D. E. Wilhelm received her.
Mrs. Helen Wright, wife of a saloonkeeper, also swallowed carbolic acid in her room at a boarding house at 1112 Locust street, about 2:30 o'clock yesterday morning. She was taken to the general hospital, where, last night, she was reported as having good chances for recovery.