And Harrison Accused a Policeman
of Putting It There.
F. G. Harrison, a switchman, went to police headquarters last night and complained that he had been robbed of $5 by a woman. The woman was arrested and denied the robbery so strenuously that Lieutenant H. W. Hammil thought best to search Harrison to be sure.
When they search a man at police headquarters the man's hat is never overlooked. And so Harrison's hat came in for a search. Lo and behold, snugly ensconced inside of the sweat band was a $5 bill neatly folded. The woman was ordered released and Harrison placed in the holdover for safekeeping.
"Say," said Harrison to Michael McCarthy when the latter took down a prisoner, "who was that feller who took that money out of my hat?"
"That was Lieutenant Hammil," he was informed.
"Well, I don't care who he is," said Harrison, "he had that money crimped up in his hand and put it in my hat himself. I know I was robbed."
McCarthy did not argue the question with him. He knew Hammil was not going to place a $5 bill in Harrison's hat. They are too scarce in the police department.