February 22, 1907


Girl Cashier Shoots Herself With
Her Father's Pistol.

Ada Veive Sieglar, with her 20th birthday this week, stood before her dresser mirror last night at her home, 4809 East Sixth street, with a revolver pressed to her temple, when her sister called upstairs to ask:

"Ada, are you getting ready?"

"Yes, getting ready," she replied, and then, the sister having closed a door, there followed the report of a pistol.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Holiday, boarders and long time friends of the family, were sitting in the living room just beneath the girls' chamber, Mrs. Holiday said:

"The gas globe has burst and must have struck Ada on the head," for they had heard the sound of her body falling.

In a moment Mr. Holiday had reached the girl's side. She was unconscious. A 32-caliber bullet had traversed her brain. She was lifted to the bed and died fifteen minutes later.


No member of the household had the remotest idea when Ada left the dinner table a few minutes before, that she was even feeling despondent. On the contrary, she was cheerful and had joked pleasantly with Mr. Holiday about a long run which, in his business as an express messenger, had kept him from home for four days. Then she asked if the Coopers, friends of the family, were coming to spend the evening, and went upstairs, presumably to dress for the company.

That she left any message or note was denied by every member of the family present. At the Jones Dry Goods Company, where she was employed as cashier in the pattern department, she was known as a rather quiet girl who did not mingle much with other young people, though several months she has kept company with Robert E. Hamilton, a newspaper pressman. The death of the young woman's mother, which occurred last June, was suggested as having preyed upon her mind, but the family do not incline to the idea. Her father, J. T. Seiglar, had gone to call on a friend a few minutes before the tragedy. Two unmarried sisters, Ora and Grace, were in the kitchen at the time. The only other member of the family is Gus E. Seiglar, a brother, employed by an express company at the Union depot.

It was 10:45 o'clock and three hours after the shooting when the father came home to hear the first news of the tragedy. He is prominent in Masonic circles and the Eastern Star will assist in the funeral arrangements.

Coroner Thompson deputized D. W. Newcomer to view the body and remove it to his undertaking room.

Miss Seiglar had worked at the Jones dry goods store for about three months. The revolver that she shot herself with was her father's. She had taken it from a trunk in another room where the brother had kept it and another revolver of her own.