March 4, 1907
Mrs. Booth Said to Be Unable to
Leave Her Home
Mrs. Ida Booth, 2625 Garfield avenue, whose husband committed suicide last Thursday night because his wife, who was 23 years his junior, was about to institute proceedings for a divorce, did not attend the funeral of her husband at Valley Falls, Kas., yesterday. It was said that the shock of her husband's death had unnerved her for the ordeal of attending his funeral, and made her physically unable to leave her home.
Mrs. Booth's petition was one of the longest ever filed in Jackson county. It makes these allegations:
That shortly after the marriage in Leavenworth, June 29, 1905, after the Booths came to Kansas City, the husband became cold and exacting; that the wife was compelled to pay board for herself and her sister out of her private income; that she had to cook and clean up for the boarders; that her husband demanded all her property and did not take her to places of amusement; that he took charge of her mail, and that his personal habits were such that she could not bear to live with him.
Owing to the suicide of Booth, the case will be dismissed when it is called for trial.