April 14, 1907

Plea of Guilty Entered by Former
Sailor for This Reason.

Admitting himself to be a slave to the drug habit, William McKenzie, 37 years old, a college graduate, pleaded guilty to grand larceny and was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary by Judge Wallace, of the criminal court, yesterday. McKenzie told the judge that while on a United States warship eighteen years ago, an accident received made the use of morphine necessary, to relieve his suffereing and that since that time he has been addicted to the drug.
It has wrecked me mentally and physically," said McKenzie, "and while under its influence I know I have done things which are criminal. Since I have been confined in the jail I have received treatment which has benefited me greatly and I believe if it were continued, I could be cured."

"I feel sorry for you," said Judge Wallace. "I will let you plead guilty to grand larceny and give you the minimum sentence of two years in the penitentiary. I think it is the best thing to do under the circumstances. You will be treated there for your unfortunate habit, and, I hope, be cured."