April 17, 1907

City Chemist Cross Receives One He
Dropped Years Ago.

Four years ago W. M. Cross, city chemist, lost from his watch chain a charm descriptive of his college fraternity. At the time he lent every effort to recover it, but of no avail and as the years sped on he forgot all about his loss. Yesterday he was seated in his laboratory when a boy about 15 years old entered and introduced himself as W. M. Cross. He said that he had a watch charm with "W. M. Cross" engraved upon it, that it was not his property and he had often desired to meet the man to whom it might possibly belong. The long lost charm was exhibited, and Dr. Cross immediately identified it as his property.

"Where did you get it, my son?" asked the doctor.

"It is a short story," replied the boy. "I am employed in a Main street haberdasher store, and a few years ago my mother married a man by the name of Cross. My initials being W. M. and having assumed the name of Cross, my stepfather gave me the charm, saying that it had been found by the man that gave it to him in a street car. Ever since I have been wearing the charm, and recently I read in the newspapers about W. M. Cross, city chemist, and I concluded that in all possibility the charm was your property. I am glad to be of some service to you by returning the jewel."

The boy refused a reward, but after much persuasion accepted a silver dollar, which he said he would keep as a momento.