April 5, 1907

Ended His Life in the Street at 5
o'Clock Yesterday Morning.

Sitting on the curbing at the northeast corner of Eleventh and Walnut streets yesterday morning at 5 o'clock, Myer L. Wilson, of 2461 Troost avenue, committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a revolver. The tragedy occurred at an hour when there were few people on the streets and was witnessed only by Frank Yearout, a dishwasher at a downtown saloon, and by a newsboy.

Wilson left a note which read:
My name is Myer L. Wilson. My home is at 2461 Troost avenue. I have lived long enough. M. L. W.

The suicide was the son of H. I. Wilson, vice president of the Ryley-Wilson Wholesale Grocery Company, and was 25 years of age. He had lived all his life in Kansas City; was educated at the public schools of the city and had been a student at Yale university for one year. He returned from college about three years ago and was given a place as buyer in the Ryley-Wilson concern.

Friends and relatives of the young man are unable to assign any reason for his deed.

"We do not understand it," said an aunt of Myer Wilson at the family home yesterday afternoon. "The boy had no bad habits that we know of or even suspected. We know of no love affairs. Certainly it was not financial troubles, as he was supplied with all the money he needed. He was a very quiet boy, rarely taking any interest in social affairs, and most of his evenings were spent at home. No one ever heard him complain of any trouble that would make him want to take his life. His home life was very pleasant."

"The only illness we know of which might explain the trouble was a chronic stomach affection which gave him trouble from time to time. There is nothing else we can think of which might have caused him to commit suicide."