Police Unable to Locate Charles
McNeese Who Disappeared Friday.
As yet the police have been unable to locate Charles H. McNeese, the 6-year-old son of C. C. McNeese, 2305 Brighton avenue. The lad has not been heard from since he left home Friday morning to go to the Ashland school at Twenty-fourth street and Elmwood avenue. The suspicion that the boy was kidnaped by two women who appeared near the school house in a closed carriage both Thursday and Friday mornings, was substantiated by a man who saw them talking to the boy just before they drove away Friday morning. That was the last seen of him in the neighborhood of his home or the school.
A description of one of the women in the carriage tallies with that of the boy's mother, from whom his father secured a divorce about three years ago. The police are searching for the missing boy, and descriptions of him have been sent out to police departments of other cities.