Special Report -- C. W. ANDERSON


"I Want to See Myself Right on This
Anderson Case," He Said.

Ben T. Barnes, the informer, yesterday called up Chief Hayes and said: "Here, chief, I want to set myself right on this turning up of Anderson. I want you to know that I--"

"I haven't anything on earth to do with the case," replied the chief, "further than to make the arrest on request of Warden McClaughry."

"They've raised such a rumpus about this thing that I want the officers to know that --"

"Tell that to Warden McClaughry," broke in Chief Hayes again. "All of your dealings were with him, not with me. My men dealt with you only on request from the warden. Talk to him."

"I guess I'll have to," replied Barnes. "I want to set myself right on this thing pretty soon."

"I don't see how any man could see that wife and little baby and then have the heart to take away their only support," said the chief as he turned away. "When a thing like that is put up to an officer, as this case was to us, there is no other course to pursue but arrest the man. What I can't understand is why information should be given against a man who was leading the upright life Anderson was. Had he still been living a criminal life, I could understand it better."