Now Warren Lancaster Faces a
Charge of Burglary.
The dry goods store of A. Newman, 1327 Grand avenue, was entered on May 20 by breaking in a rear door. Silk waists and skirts to the value of about $200 were stolen. W. B. Clark and James Downey, plain clothes men from No. 2 station, noticed some silk waists in pawn in the West bottoms. Then they arrested Warran Lancaster, alias "Hayseed," who held out firmly that he knew nothing about the robbery. Yesterday, however, he made a full confession, detailing how the robbery was committed and telling where most of the stolen goods had been sold or pawned.
"No one was implicated with me," he said. "I went into the alley, placed my back against the door, gave it a shove and in it went. I got nine silk waists and four shirts."