June 22, 1907

Operation on Dewey Marcuvitz Next
Monday Morning.

Lewis Marcuvitz, clothing dealier who lives at 15 East Thirty-second street, the father of Dewey Marcuvitz, now held in the detention home as incorrigible, has consented to allow the boy to undergo an operation upon his throat with the hope of remedying the boy's disposition. Dr. E. L. Mathias and a surgeon, whom the boy's father will select, will operate next Monday.

Dewey, who is only 8 years old, has twice been arrested for stealing horses and has been arrested for other offenses. He is an intelligent boy for his years, but has been pronounced incorrigible by the court officers. Dr. Mathias believes that his disposition has been made nervous and melancholy by reason of throat trouble and hopes that an operation will make him a good boy.