Lively Chase Along Main Street
Before He Was Run Down.
After a chase of two blocks on Main street, in which a number of pedestrians took part, E. W. White, a fisherman, who lives in a houseboat on the Blue river, was headed off and arrested by patrolman William Ryan at Fourteenth and Main streets last night.
White was standing in a stairway that leads to the Woodman hall at 1210 Main street. As S. O. Harris, 814 Troost avenue, and his wife and daughter, Ethel, 11 years old, descended the stairs he reached out and pinched the little girl, it is charged. She screamed, and the man ran out of the door and turned south on Main street, the father in pursuit. As white continued others joined in the chase, and Patrolman Ryan, seeing the commotion, hurried toward the crowd. White was just turning east on Fourteenth street when he ran directly into the policeman's arms.
He was taken to the Walnut street police station, where he will be held for prosecution by the girl's father.