For Two Weeks This Runaway Boy
Lived Like the Sparrows.
Because he was afraid he would get a whipping for running away, Fred Vogul, 12 years old, a son of Joseph Vogel, 2313 College avenue, has been sleeping in a bread box on the sidewalk at Twelfth street and Grand avenue for almost two weeks. During that time he has had nothing to eat excepting what he could pick up at random.
Last night Patrolman Charles McVay, while walking along Grand avenue near Independence avenue saw the boy picking up popcorn kernels from beneath a popcorn wagon and eating them. The officer learned that the popcorn was the only thing the boy had eaten in two days. He took the youngster to a nearby restaurant, where a square meal was given him. The way he ate would have made an epicurean dizzy.The boy was taken to police headquarters, where he was placed in the care of the police matron. His father was informed.