June 5, 1907

With Three Lawyers She Will Resist
Order of the Court.

Judge H. L. McCune yesterday made his ruling in the case of Robbie Patterson, whom a jury in the juvenile court found to be a delinquent child and to be neglected by his mother, Josephine Patterson, of Tenth street and Troost avenue. The court followed the advice of Dr. J. D. Griffith, who is the Pattersons' family physician. The mother was ordered to send the boy to the country for the remainder of the summer and in the autumn to take or send him to Arizona. The lad is frail, and, according to Dr. Griffith, is upon the verge of an attack of tuberculosis and unable to attend school. If the lad's health is improved after the winter in Arizona, the court said, he shall return to Kansas City and attend school.

Mrs. Patterson announced, after the decision, that she would take the case to the Kansas City court of appeals. She is wealthy and has three lawyers in her employ.