June 5, 1907

Says Her Name Is Bertha Johnson,
but Gives Fictitious Address.

Have you lost a little girl, about 7 years old, with dark brown broomstick curls and big brown eyes? A blue dress and a straw aht with a red ribbon go with the picture.

Truancy Officer Cole piced the little girl up near the Detention home yesterday evening when she was crying. She said her mother, Mrs. Anna Johnson, had locked her out of the house. She gave trhe officer an address on Cherry street as her home. An investigation showed that no one by the name of Johnson lived at the number and that no one in the neighborhood had lost a little girl with brown curls. This was reported to the child, and she then said her mamma lived on East Fourteenth street. The mother could not be found there.

The little girl, who insists that her name is Bertha Johnson, was kept at the North End nursery last night. The officers don't know just what to make of her story.