July 24, 1907

Lieutenant Kennedy Gives Inquisitor
Some Sound Advice.

A girl entered police headquarters last evening, and calling Lieutenant Michael J. Kennedy to one side, confidentially informed him that her mother had threatened to send her to the reform school if she went away with a summer theatrical company. She told the lieutenant that she was past 19 years old, and had contemplated becoming an actress, but her parents objected so strenuously that life at home had become unbearable since her artistic inclinations were so hampered.

She asked if a young woman past her majority could be sent to the reform school by her parents, and was apparently relieved when told by Lieutenant Kennedy that such would be impossible.

"But if I were you," continued the lieutenant, "I would not disobey my parents in this case. They know what's best for you."

With this bit of advice, the lieutenant supplimented an outline of trials and tribulations of young girls who leave good homes to enter that army upon their own resources. When this discourse was concluded, it was apparent that the lieutenant's story had had the desired effect. With tears in her eyes the girl arose, and as she started away said that though she had signed a contract with a company that was being organized in St. Joseph, declared that she would give up the project and remain at home.