July 26, 1907

Body of Suicide at Last Identified
by Chillicothe Man.

Coroner J. A. Davis, of Kansas City, Kas., received a letter from Walter Yothers, of Chillicothe, Mo., hyesterday stating that the woman who committed suicide here on June 26 by drinking carbolic acid and was his first wife, whom he married at Troy, Kas., May 3, 1907. They went from there to St. Joseph, Mo., where she formed the acquaintace of Frank Palmer and eloped with him.

Palmer, the young man for whom she left home, disappeared the day of the tragedy and has not been heard from. She had just carried dinner to him at the Fowler packing house when she swallowed the poison.

The body is at Porter & Gibson's undertaking establishment, being returned to this city Wednesday from Muncie, Ind., where it was sent to Edward Hurst, who thought it was that of his daughter.