July 26, 1907

Laborer Shoots Himself Leaning
Against Freight House.

W. C. Hopke, on his way to work at the Interstate Ice Company at 5 o'clock yesterday morning, found the body of a dead man sitting upright against the north side of the Kansas City Southern freight house at Second and Wyandotte streets. The police ambulance was summoned and Dr. Ford B. Rogers found that the man had evidently shot himself. A bullet from a 45-caliber Colt's revolver had entered the right temple, come out at the left temple and imbedded itself in a wooden timber at the dead man's side. The revover was still clutched in the right hand.

Coroner George B. Thompson sent the body to Stine's morgue, where it has remained so far unidentified.

The dead man, who has the appearance of having been a laborer above the common class, appears to be between 47 and 50 years old. He is six feet tall and weighs probably 200 pounds. His complexion is dark, his hair and mustache and eyes are brown and the head is bald. He had only four teeth remaining in the upper jaw. He wore a blue shirt and dark clothes.