July 27, 1907

Jewels Valued at $1,000 Restored to
Owner by Lawson Belknap.

The four rings set with diamonds lost by Mrs. H. W. Harry, 1849 Independence avenue, a few days ago on the sidewalk on Walnut near Tenth, have been found and restored to her by Lawson Belknap, 14 years old, of Merriam, Kas. He says that he discovered them lying on the sidewalk in a handkerchief. Mr. Harry presented the honest lad with a $50 bill.

"The jewels are worth $1,000. One of them is an heirloom. Young Balknap did not solicit or wish for a reward. He advertised in the newspapers for the rightful owner. At the same time I advertised for the finder. Between the two advertisments the lost property was restored," said Mr. Harry.