Miner Retired at Night Showing No
Serious Symptoms.
Thomas J. Flynn, Fifty-third and Elmwood, worked all day Friday in the Brush creek coal mines, and when he retired said he felt as well as ever he had. At 4 o'clock yesterday morning his labored breathing attracted attention, and it was discovered that he was unconscious. Dr. F. L. Dod was called, but Flynn died an hour later.
Dr. George B. Thompson, coroner, held an augopsy at Freeman & Marshall's morgue in the afternoon and found death to have been due to paralysis of the heart. "I understand Flynn suffered greatly from headaches," said the coroner. "His death could have been caused by overdoses of acetanelid, phenacetine or anti-kamnia, all used as headache powders, but they are great heart depressents. His clothing and house will be searched for such drugs. The heart paralysis could also have been from the inhalation of fumes contained in dynamite smoke while blasting in the mines."