August 10, 1907

Son of Mrs. Van Lawrence Finds Man
Robbing House.

A bold attempt at burglary was thwarted by a small boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Van Lawrence, 926 Holmes street about 9:30 o'clock last night. Mrs. Lawrence and seven or eight guests were sitting upon the veranda in front of the house and a young woman was entertaining several guests in a room on the second floor, when the 8-year-old son of Mrs. Lawrence went inside for a drink.

He heard a noise in a bed chamber usually occupied by his mother and went to investigate. Tehre he found a man rummaging in a bureau. The lad alarmed Mrs. Lawrence, who ran inside, but the burglar managed to escape, dropping a purse he had stolen in his flight. In one of the drawers h e was pillaging was $50 in currency.

This is the third burglary within three days in that part of the city. The others were at 923 Holmes and 1016 Holmes, and in both of these the thief got away with booty.