No Sanction Can Be Secured From
American Automobile Association.
Overtures by the management of the fair that is to be given at Elm Ridge for a series of automobile races have been brought to an aburpt termination by the American Automobile Association.
"Our governing board would not permit it," said President W. W. Cowen, "and there are other rules which make it impossible for us to go into any such show as a side issue. We will have automobile races here this year, and they will be the best we ever had. However, they will be under the auspices of our own society and under our own rules."
Already preparations are being made for the parade that is to be given during carnival week.
"That will be a public affair," said President Cowen, "and one of the most delightful features that can be produced. Many women have told us of their intention to enter the parade, and they have raised the question of whether they must dress their cars in flowers or bunting. We will allow both, or either. This parade will have nothing to do with the Elm Ridge fair or anything else, but it will be given in alliance with the managers of the P. O. P., as part of their week's entertainment.