August 14, 1907





Can't Remember Whether Husband
Is Dead, or if She Is Parted
From Him -- She Remained
Three Days in Mid-
land Flats.

With her mind a total blank regarding what transpired prior to yesterday morning, when she awakened in the Midland flats, Seventh and Walnut streets, forgetful of her name or those of her two little children accompanying her, a woman entered police headquarters last evening, and explained to Lieutenant Walter Whitsett her condition.

"I do not know what has come over me," she said to the lieutenant. "All that I can remember is of getting up this morning in the Midland flats, and reading a bell call card. I cannot recall my own name, or those of my children or husband, and I don't know where I live. I could not even remember where I was this morning until I inquired. I don't know how long I have been here, but was told that I went to the Midland flats three days ago."

The woman and her children were nicely dressed, and she possessed a manner and bearing of refinement and culture. The younger of the children is an infant, while the older, a boy, is about 3 years old.


The woman and children were taken to the Helping Hand institute, where through questioning it was learned from the boy that his name is Robert Allen Morrissy. While the boy was being questioned as to his identity, the mother listened attentively.

When the child lisped his name, the mother repeated it to herself, thoughtfully.

"He says his name is Robert Allen Morrissy, but for the life of me I cannot recall such a name," the mother explained. "I know both of the children are mine, but I kinow nothing more about them. I know that I have been married, but cannot say whether my husband is living or dead. I haven't the lleast idea of my own name, but as the boy said his name is Morrissy, that must be mine as well. The name Mary sounds familiar to me, as does the word Boston. I remember that I have always lived in a large city, but I have no idea whether it was Boston or not."

The woman is evidently an Easterner, as inferred from her manner of speech, and is apparently no more than 25 years old.

"I do not know how old I am," she explained, when asked her age, "but I believe that I will be 30 years old in October."

She is slightly above average height, slender, weighing 130 pounds, has brouw hair and eyes and bears an intelliigent facial expression. She dresses tastily in a suit of white mull, while the little boy, a golden curly headed youngster, wears a neat sailor suit of dark blue.


The only evidence that has been found that might lead up to the establishment of their identity is two baggage checks issued at the Union station in Buffalo over the Lake Shore & Southern Michigan railway for Cleveland. It is supposed that the wonal's memory became a blank shortly after she left Buffalo, as the baggage checks were never presented at Cleveland for her effects. A station check over an Eastern interurban line out of Boston to Lynn, Mass., was also found in a hand satchel she had left at the Midland flats.

F. H. Ream, of the Helping Hand institute, who called at the Midland flats last night to get the wooman's satchel, found a card bearing the name of Mrs. A. E. Palmateer, 912 Chestnut street, Terra Haute, Ind. The woman was unable to recall ever having known a woman by that name, but suggested that she might have met her on the train.

An effort was made last night to send a message to the authorities in Boston in hopes of learning if the woman lives there.


Mrs. Minnie Brody, in charge of the Midland flats, said last night that the woman applied there for lodgings for herself and children three days ago. She did not register, but in the course of a conversation, confided with Mrs. Brody that she was separated from her husband, and had her own living to make. She paid rent for her room each night. Last night the woman had no money.