Woman Reads of Pauline Nelson's
Plight and Comes to Her Aid.
Pauline Nelson, 18 years old, of Hutchison, Kas., wh, while on her way from Hutchinson to Detroit, where she said she had been offered a place in the chorus of a Detroit opera company, was robbed of her purse and suitcase Thursday night, is being cared for at the Helping Hand Institute. The girl after arriving in Kansas City Thursday night remained at the Union depot until Saturday night, when Harry Harvey, a city detective on duty at the depot, took her to police headquarters.
A telegrarm was sent to Hutchison yesterday, informing the family with whom she stayed of her wherabouts, but last night no reply had been received.
A woman, who read of the account of the young woman's plight in the newspapers yesterday morning, called at the Helping Hand Institute at noon, and said that she would give the girl a home if she so desired.