WAS CAUGHT BY CRAWFISH. ~ Doctor Uses His Ear for Bait and Lands a "Whopper."

August 19, 1907

Doctor Uses His Ear for Bait and
Lands a "Whopper."

An amputation of a crawfish's pincers that its hold would be released from the right ear of Dr. Ford B. Rogers, an ambulance surgeon, was performed by two nurses at the emergency hospital last night.

A bucketful of fine specimens of this variety of the cambarus genus was presented to the staff surgeons and nurses at the hospital last night, and these were placed temporarily in the bath room of the institution.

Dr. Rogers had occasion to enter the bath room to obtain some article with which to make a splint. He bent over to reach a board beneath the tub, when a large "crawdad" that had crawled from the bucket, and perched itself upon the edge of the bath tub reached out a pair of formidable looking claws and seized the right ear of the surgeon.

Dr. Rogers made a grab for the drawdad and tried to pull it loose, but the claws were well set into his ear and refused to be pulled or shaken loose. He ran into the operating room, and the two nurses on duty, Miss Ora Buchmiller and Miss Byra Guance, hurried to his assistance. Miss Buchmiller seized the "crawdad" and pulled, but succeedediin bringing only a yell from the surgeon. Miss Guance then tried the same tactics, but with no better result.

"Cut off the claws," exclaimed the surgeon, and immediately Miss Gaunce seized an instrument lying on a nearby table, and while Miss Buchmiller held the "crawdad's" tail, the amputation was made.