Girl Who Escaped From Detention
Home Again in Custody.
Acting on a "tip" that Florence Walker, one of the three girls who made a sensational escape from the deteintion home last December, could be found at Carnival park, Edgar Warden, acting chief probationary officer, effected her capture early yesterday morning amid a dramatic scene and returned her to the home. She will be taken to the Girls' Training School in Chillicothe, probably today, to where she was sentenced to four years' confinement just previous to her escape.
The belief that the Walker girl and her companions were aided in their escape by persons outside the institution who feared for their own safety from the law and was the impelling motive for the daring act lent color to the affiar, which at the time created a small sensation.
Accompanied by the brother of the Walker gir's companion Warden went to Carnival park. After several hours' search she and the other girl were found in the company of two young men. Warden placed both girls under arrest, but says he had some difficulty in obtaining their conssent to return to issouri. Upon threat of turning them over to the Kansas authorities they were persuaded, it is said, to return to the detention home. The companion of the Walker girl was tried in juvenile court yesterday morning and paroled in the custody of her mother.