August 21, 1907

Enlargement of That Organ Affected
This Woman's Reasoning.

Mrs. Bessie Allen, a negress, 20 years old, became demented yesterday at the Union depot and was removed to the emergency hospital. Her home is in De Kalb, Ill, where her husband, William Allen, is a porter at the Elks' Club house. She arrived here from Chicago Monday night, en route to visit her grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Cook, at Osceola, Mo.

Mrs. Allen began acting queerly soon after arrival and frightened other women passengers by hiding beneath the seats in the station. Coming from her hiding place, she purchased a ticket for her destination and then boarded the first train she came to. That happened to be the eastbound Wabash. At Cameron, Mo., she was placed aboard a Kansas City train and returned here. When she arrived here yesterday morning she was taken in charge by the police. The surgeons found her to be suffering from enlargement of the heart. The pulsations of that organ can be plainly seen through her clothing across a room. Mrs. Allen believes that her grandmother is in the next room from where she lays in bed and is constantly announcing, "Bessie's dead; Bessie's dead."