Well Dressed, Demure Young Woman
Who Spoke Glibly of $400,000
to Spend Creates Sensation
Among Kansas City,
Kas., Offices.
A nurse girl for the two small children of D. B. Munger, Thirty-sixth and Harrison streets, of the wholesale dry goods firm, Burnham, Hanna and Munger, receiving as compense $5 a week yesterday created a furore among a half dozen prominent real estate firms of Kansas City, Kas. They thought she was a pampered child of luxury with money galore. She said she was Miss Rose Insley and alleged she was an agent for a bevy of fashionable girls forming a bachelors club, in Kansas City, Mo., seeking a favorable spot on the Kansas side on which to build a club house of great pretentions. She told the real estate merchants she was backed by four hundred thousand dollars.
When the young woman, who is of preposessing mien, entered Abstractor Thomson's office she wanted to know if there was anybody who held and was liable to sell at a good price as much as ninety acres of farm land. She was Miss Rose Insley, lived at Thirty-suixth street and Harrison avenue. She said she was just conversant with the country lying just north of Kansas City, Kas., where she insisted the land must be found. She was representing several aristocratic young women of Kansas City, Mo., and Leavenworth, she declared, and had plenty of money backing her deals.
"How much?" Abstracter Thomson asked.
"About four hundred thousand dollars," answered Miss Insley, and looked the abstractor straight in the eye.
"That's a great deal of money, isn't it?"
"Quite a few dollars, come to sum the all up," Miss Insley replied demurely, looking down. "But you see, papa is rich, and so are the papas of the other girls in this deal. There are Miss Jones, whose papa is the senior partner of the Jones Dry Goods Company; Miss Armour; Miss Munger, who lives with me out on Harrison; Miss Keith, and oh, lots of others.
"Let me explain why we want so much ground. We have automobiles, we can't have just the time we would like to have just pent up in our homes. A long time ago we organized a bachelor girls' club composed of the most exclusive of the exclusive. A week ago we got together and decided to build a club house and build it way out in the country somewhere. We decided on Kansas City, Kas., as a feasible location.
"The next thing was to get our fathers interested, but the old dears fell into line right off without much argument. It was such a simple plan.
"We girls were to pick the grounds," went on Miss Insley, "and draw the plans, as near as we could, to what we wanted, and our papas were to pay all the bills. We were to have a club house of twenty-five rooms, a lake, a drive, tennis grounds, golf links and a big garage and stables. We thought that ninety acres would nicely cover it all."
When the young woman got this far in her description Abstractor Thomson became almost as enthusiastic as herself and offered to help her find the desired location.
Miss Insley expressed herself as very grateful for his kindness and, in return, offered to put the matter entirely in Abstractor Thomson's hands. Then she wrote her telephone number on the back of an envelope and went out.
Mis Insley went next to the real estate firm of Sheaf & Neudeck, at Sixth street and State avenue. There she repeated her plans to Irwin Neudeck, who also became interested in the project and offered to help her find the location but insisted Miss Isley give him the exclusive agency in the deal. This she promptly promised to do.
Miss Insley visited several other large real estate concerns in the city interesting all of them in her story and giving each a private "tip" about her needs and the promise to give the locating act into the hands of no other. It is reported her project has been listed in at least six leading real estate firms in Kansas City, Kas., and that all had scouts out looking for the location of the future bachelor girls' club house yesterday. All were astonished when they heard that the girl was merely a nurse girl in the Munger home at five dollars a week.
"Why, I can hardly believe it," said Irwin Neudeck when told of the identity of the girl last night.
"She was very well dressed and carried herself well like a young woman of considerable breeding and affluence. I was entirely deceived for the time, although after she left I was inclined to doubt her story."
D. B. Munger, in whose employ the girl has been for the past three weeks in the capacity of nurse for his two little children, said last night that Miss Insley had left his employ and that he would be glad to locate her in order to satisfy his wife that her intentions were honest.
"She acted very queerly at times," Mr. Munger said, "and had aroused my wife's suspicions."