August 29, 1907

Feared for Father's Safety and Found
Him in Street Injured.

A premonition that some harm had befallen her father, who did not return to his home at his accustomed hour led Miss Pamfret, daughter of W. C. Pamfret, of 2025 East Nineteenth street, to go upon a search for him that ended when she found him lying unconscious at the intersection of Eighth and Walnut streets last night at 11 o'clock. A fall from a street car a few minutes befroe had gathered about him a crowd of curiosity seekers. The daughter pressed her way through the crowd and tenderly cared for her father until the emergency ambulance arrived.

Pamfret, who is the president of a medicine company with offices down town, was in the habit of going home to dinner about 6 o'clock. Business detained him until a late hour, and the daughter decided to go to his office, fearing that something might have happened to him.

The young woman accompanied her father to the emergency hospital, where his wounds, painful but not serious, were dressed.