Wrecked Popcorn Stand While Hurrying
With Guest to Wedding.
An automobile crashing into a popcorn wagon caused the serious injury of two little girls last night. The wrecked popcorn wagon fell on the children, cutting and bruising them.
Thomas J. Proue, a chauffeur for the Automobile Livery, 1113 Broadway, was driving to a wedding at Twenty-ninth street and Prospect avenue, Eastbound on Eighteenth street approaching Cherry, he met a sprinkling wagon. A little girl, while at play ran into the spray back of the wagon. The motor car slowed down, but when opposite the wagon the child darted back in its path. Proue swerved his machine south into Cherry street, but to save the child, the turn had to be too shortto avoid smashing the popcorn wagon.
John Carle, the wagon's owner, went down under the shattered glass of his little cage, and escaped without injury. But two little girls, Annie and Jenny Myerson, of 1723 Oak street, were not so fortunate. Annie, 8 years old, received a deep cut over the left eye and serious bruises. Jennie, two years older, was also seriously bruised.
Dr. G. A. Dagg, ambulance surgeon from No. 4 police station, attended them and sent them to their home. Proue, the chauffeur, waited at the scene of the accident till Officers Smith and Cook arrived with the ambulance, and then drove with the officers to the station. He was later released on $100 bond for his appearance in police court this morning.
The accident occurred at 8:15 o'clock, and many people were on the streets. When the popcorn and peanuts of the Italian vender were scattered over the ground there was a "help yourself" scramble, with several dozen participants. A. L. Morse, who was personal representative of Francis Murphy, the temperance worker, mounted a box and begged the crowd to stand back and treat the popcorn man as they would like to be treated. His address was received in good spirit, and the crowd helped Carle gather his wares together.