Police Have Been Helpless in Tracing
Him -- Mother Now Learns of
a Horse Trade Cir-

After waiting since November 16, 1906, for the Kansas City, Mo., authorities to locate the whereabouts of her 12-year-old son, Roy K. Hendren, who disappeared from his home, Fifth street and Missouri avenue, under peculiar circumstances, Mrs. Anna Hendren, a widow, who now lives in a flat at 551 State avenue, Kansas City, Kas., recommenced the search yesterday. She said last night that she had received information from some of her former neighbors to the effect that a horse trade was seen camping at the place where the boy was last seen.
Mrs. Hendren believes the horse trader had something to do with the disappearance of Roy. She has made another appeal to Chief of Police Ahern, and says she can not rest until something has been learned.
"He was such a bright boy," she said last night. "I can not believe he ran away from home, for he loved his mother and the other two boys too well for that. Besides he knew we needed the money he could earn. Do you suppose he would run away, when he knew we were as hard up as we were?
"As near as I remember, the last words of Roy were: "Mother, don't go very far away until I get back. I'm going to find work." It was almost noon, and he took a course that led him to the place I have just learned the horse trader was camping."
"What did a horse trader want of a boy, 12 years old?"
"How should I know? Perhaps he just wanted a companion. All I can say is that it is the most plausible theory that the horse trader took Roy, for the police looked everywhere for him at the time, and did not find a single trace.
"I have often thought," continued Mrs. Hendren, "of putting the case in the hands of the Kansas City, Kas., police, too. My friends, however, said it would be an unreasonable thing to do, but oh, my heart is breaking at the separation, and I want to do something more than I have done to find him."
Mrs. Hendren is living on the basement floor of the flat on Nebraska avenue. She is very worn and nervous from the loss she has sustained, and is otherwise in delicate health. She has two other sons besides Roy, one of whom, Rex, 16 years old, supports the family as pressman in a printing office, Sixth street and Minnesota avenue. The younger son goes to school.
Mrs. Hendren says she is parted from her husband and came to Kansas City, Mo., from Gentry county, Missouri. She says she had been in town only one night when Roy was taken.