September 2, 1907

"Minnesota Avenue" Displaces "Car-
nival Park" and "Indiana Avenue."

Two familiar stret car signs ceased to exist yeaterday. They were on the "Indiana" and the "Carnival Park" lines. A consolidation of the two lines was effected yesterday into what will be called "Minnesota Avenue." The new line will be run over the same rounte as formerly but an extension of the Indiana line from Thirty-first street to Carnival park, Kansas City, Kas., will be made. Hereafter persons looking for the Carnival park and Indiana cars will reach their destination by way of the Minnesota avenue line.

Six new cars, similar in construction to those on the Rockhill line, were placed in commission on Twelfth street yesterday. In all, Twelfth street will gain twenty new cars as soon as the wiring is instaled. Today several more will be added and by Wednesday the equipment on the thoroughfare is expected to be greatly improved.