WAS IT MURDER OR SUICIDE? ~ Indian Territory Mystery Has a Kansas City End.

September 5, 1907

Indian Territory Mystery Has a Kan-
sas City End.

An Indian Territory tragedy developed a Kansas City end yesterday when Dr. Willliam Cross made out a certificate to the effect that he had found poison in a stomach which had been sent him from Kiowa, I. T.

Dr. Cross had in bottles on his shelves the stomach, brains and liver of "a female, 21 years old, married, fullblood Indian," and excepting that the extraordinary consignment had been made to him by H. P. Ward, a merchant in Kiowa, he knew nothing more.

"I suppose there has been a murder down there," said Dr. Cross. "Two weeks ago I got three bottles by express, together with a note saying that poisoning was suspected. I was asked to make an analysis for strychnine. The final instructions came yesterday, and I took the stomach of the Indian woman into my laboratory. I found it reeking with strychnine.

"My information is that four doctors had attended the woman during her illness of twenty-four hours, and that they had reported her convulsions due to natural causes. The citizens took the matter up, bottled these parts of the remains, shipped them up here and instructed that the analysis be made.

"I do not know whether it was murder or anything else, but there is plenty of strychnine in that bottle to account for one."