LEADER OF GANG IS FINED. ~ South Side Grocer Was Set Upon by Rowdies.

October 15, 1907

South Side Grocer Was Set Upon by

As C. T. Baker, a grocer at 1321 West Twenty-fourth street, left a car at Nineteenth street and Grand avenue Saturday evening he was struck by a stone. Seeing a crowd of young men near at hand he approached and asked, "Do any of you know who threw that stone?"

"With that," Baker said in police court yesterday, "I was immediately set upon by half a dozen of them and had I not taken refuge in a grocery store I believe I would have been beaten to death."

Baker identified W. P. Peppinger as the one who led the rowdies. Peppinger said he "had some trouble" but that he "didn't start anything."

"Your fine is $15," said Judge Kyle. "I only wish I had the rest of that gang in here. You'd better tell the others to steer clear of that kind of business or there will be something doing in the $500 fine line."