Woman Paid Her Lover's Policy and
He Left No Heirs.
Miss L. F. Laundry of Sixteenth and Main streets, thinks that because she was engaged for eleven years to marry W. H. Nall and loaned him $75 to pay on his $1,000 insurance policy in the Woodmen of the World, she is entitled to the insurance, now that Nall is dead. Nall's only relative, to whom the insurance would normally be paid, was his mother, Mrs. Navina Nall, who died February, 1907, a few days after he passed away. Mrs. Nall was 78 years old and it was on account of her helpless condition, it is said, that Nall kept postponing his marriage to Miss Laundry. "Miss Laundry says that Nall agreed to assign this insurance to her, but never did so. Nall was a mail carrier. The case is being tried in Judge J. H. Slover's division of the circuit court.