MUSIC AND DRAMA. ~ Miss Barrymore's New Play, "Her Sister," at Willis Wood.

October 25, 1907

Miss Barrymore's New Play, "Her
Sister," at Willis Wood.

Clyde Fitch and Cosmo Gordon Lennox have done in "Her Sister," Miss Ethel Barrymore's latest offering, seen at the Willis Wood for the first time last night, the best work Mr. Fitch has done in years.

Acted splendidly by the most evenly balanced company seen here in a long time, headed by miss Ethel Barrymore, one of the most convincing of the present day actresses, the piece is an offering of unusual dramatic interest and was given a warm reception by a very large audience. As a vehicle for Miss Barrymore's sterling gifts, both as a light comedienne and as an actress of emotional attainments, it is the most satisfying which she has presented here in many seasons. The supporting company is so far in advance of the usual run of stellar assistance that the production is really notable in this respect and yet Miss Barrymore, like the true artist she is, does not suffer in the least.

As Eleanor Alderson, the sister who sacrifices her own hopes of happiness to save her thoughtless but innocent sister, Miss Barrymore carried off the fine second act, where she defends her sister, magnificently. No more convincingly natural bit of acting has been done here in a long time. But throughout the play every requirement, whether of the lightest comedy, the tenderest sentiment or the strongest feeling, was met with artistic assurance that was convincing in the highest degree. Miss Barrymore's vibrant voice has a peculiarly girlish quality that instead of hampering strong scenes with indications of weakness really adds to their effectiveness, while it is admirably suited to the comedy lines.

The setting of the piece is extremely tasteful. The first act occurs in the temple of Isis, the fortune teller, otherwise Eleanor, and permits Mr. Fitch to get in his inevitable touch of the picturesquely improbably. The other two acts take place in the country home of the Bickleys and are pictorially satisfying. In fact, it would be difficult to recall a more thoroughly pleasing play, one better acted or cleverer from every point of view.