Professor and Student Didn't Want
to Be Seen Getting Married.
Cleo Claudius Duke, a young professor, and Bertha Chandler, a student in Monmouth college, Monmouth, Ill, came to Kansas City yesterday and were married in the courthouse by Judge George J. Dodd. The young couple, for the groom is but 26, and the birde 20, tried to keep the conclusion of their romance a secret and insisted that everyone, including the marriage license clerk, leave the recorder's office during the ceremony.
"These bashful people," mused Fred Chambers, chief deputy recorder, while he waited outside the door, "remind me of a bride who made us all move out one day last month to alow her to change her dress. She had purchased a new gown to be married in and brought it wht her in a suit case. Even the groom had to get out of the office while she put it on. And when she stod up to have the judge pronounce the ceremony the basting threads, which she had forgotten to pick out of the skirt, showed quite plainly."