DEMOCRATS HOLD A PRIMARY. ~ Formality of Naming John A. Rood Gone Through With.

October 20, 1907

Formality of Naming John A. Rood
Gone Through With.

Democrats held their primary election yesterday morning, nominating John M. Rood for sheriff. On Tuesday the Republicans will go through the same formality to name Acting Sheriff William J. Campbell for the same office.

Excepting that one vote was cast in the Fifth ward for former Chief of Police John Hayes, there was nothing of incident in the city, where the vote was as light as it was expected it would be. A large proportion of the Democrats are taking no interest whatever in the forthcoming election.

In the country, however, there was keen interest. Independence polled 205 votes; Prairie township polled 116, and Fort Osage, 112 votes. There were 74 cast in Washington township, 56 in Sni-a-Bar, 26 in Westport township, and 49 in Van Buren. In the city, the Tenth ward carried the banner with its 142 votes. Boss Pendergast's ward gave Rood 35 votes and Shannonville gave him 83. The Eleventh ward polled 120.