R. J. Gibbons Is Overcome by Heart
Failure While Going Home.
Heart disease probably was the cause of the collapse last night on a Troost car of Dr. R. J. Gibbons, resulting in his death almost as soon as he was removed from the car to the Wirthman drug store, Eighteenth street and Troost avenue.
Dr. Gibbons had for years conducted a school for the cure of stammering in the Missouri building. Early last evening he left his home at 1010 East Eleventh street to meet some patients who were expected at the railway station. At 9:30 o'clock he boarded the Troost car at Tenth and Wyandotte streets.
The conductor noticed that he was very pale. Probably he became partly unconscious soon, for he did not ring for the car to stop when he was near home, and yet nothing wrong was noticed about him till at Sixteenth street he bent his head forward and leaned on the back of a seat. Conductor Wade was alarmed and two blocks farther on he and the motorman removed the then unconscious man to the drug store.
Dr. Gibbons was still alive when taken into the store, but he gasped only a few times and was dead before any physician could reach him.
Coroner G. B. Thompson came and viewed the body. He thought heart failure was probably the cause of death, but will hold an autopsy this morning at Freeman & Marshall's morgue.
Dr. Gibbons came to Kansas City sixteen years ago from Kentucky and was 54 years old. Only a wife survives him.
Dr. Gibbon's success in curing stammering was considered by many physicians to be phenomenal. Many high in the profession sent patients to him. Difficult cases, it is said, were cured by him often in one session.
No funeral arrangements had been made.