FOUR ATTEMPTS AT SUICIDE. ~ Member of Aristocratic Philadelphia Family Tries to End Life Here.

December 17, 1907

Member of Aristocratic Philadelphia
Family Tries to End Life Here.

Four attempts to commit suicide, none of which was successful, marked an eventful day in the life of Robert Patterson yesterday. Patterson, who is said to be of an aristocratic family in Philadelphia, seemed determined to end his life and it was not until he had been strapped to a bed in the emergency hospital last night that his attempts at self-destruction ceased.

Patterson had been at the Baltimore hotel since December 14. He is said to have told that he had wealthy and influential family connections in Philadelphia, but that he had had trouble with his father about a marriage he was contemplating. He told a policeman that an uncle of his was at one time governor of Pennsylvania. he had evidently been drinking heavily for the past few days.