Tells Alderman Zinn He Started the
Sunday Closing Wave.
Criminal Judge W. H. Wallace started early yesterday morning. On his way downtown he boarded a car on which was Alderman Charles Zinn. The alderman had made twenty-one affidavits that Judge Wallace is prejudiced and so unfit to try theatrical cases pending in his court. His honor made a bee line for the alderman and for twenty or thirty blocks the two had a crowded car for an audience.
"You think I am not fit, do you?" the criminal judge demanded. "You think I am not right? I tell you the people are with me. Yes, sir, the people are. I started this. I started it myself. Now look at the whole of the United States. Look at it from New York to Omaha. I started it!"
"Now I know you are prejudiced," was the last word the alderman from the Sixth ward could get in.