Dr. Chapman Declares His Wife's
Jealousy Was Disastrous.
Judge Hermann Brumbeck of the circuit court is being asked to decide whether or nt Mrs. Nettie R. Chapman has destroyed the medical practice of her husband, Dr. L. R. Chapman of Sheffield. That is the allegation in the divorce suit brought by Dr. Chapman and now being tried before Judge Brumback.
Dr. Chapman says that on the afternoon of the day he married in Eureka, Kas., his wife came to his office and stayed until closing time. That was on March 28, 1906. He says she came every day until the middle of August, when having lost all of his women patients, he moved to Kansas City.
He tried to attend medical college here last winter, he says, but as his wife insisted upon accompanying him to all clinics lest he might, unknown to her, meet a live woman student at the disinfecting table, he forsook the college.
He was carrying a newspaper route for a living, he said, and had sent his wife back to her parents in Eureka when he filed the suit.