RIVAL ARMIES IN WORDY WAR. ~ Leaders Dispute Over Right to Preach at Fourth and Main.

December 30, 1907

Leaders Dispute Over Right to Preach
at Fourth and Main.

Two street religious factions came to open rupture last night when I. D. Barnes and J. H. Lyons of the Christian Volunteer Warriors, and Captain Daniel Martin of the American Salvation Army had a dispute as to which should occupy the corner at Fourth and Main streets. By right of pre-emption the Warriors determined to stay at their post, and went on with their preaching.

Martin, who is about 23 years old and small for his age, tried to break up the crowd which had gathered about his competitors by abusing the Warriors. Barnes cautioned him to keep quiet, but the Army man took no heed of the warning and persisted in his abuses until a fight seemed imminent. Patrolman William Ryan heard the loud voices and threats and took all three of the men to police headquarters, where a charge of blocking the sidewalks and disturbing the peace was put against them.