FROZEN STIFF IN HIS CHAIR. ~ Neighbors Found the Body of George Ordway, a Suicide.

February 3, 1908

Neighbors Found the Body of George
Ordway, a Suicide.

Completely frozen, the body of George Ordway was found in a chair in a sitting posture in his home, 2308 Main street, yesterday morning. Some of his neighbors had called to see him, knowing that he had been in ill health and was somewhat desopndent over the death fo his wife which occurred three weeks ago.

Upon entering the room they found the body and a bottle, which had contained laudanum, upon a table at its side. The police found a note Ordway had left for the coroner, containing several names of persons whom he desired to be notified of his death.

Ordway was 75 years old and had been employed as a laborer on a rock crusher at Twenty-fifth street and Grand avenue. He has no relatives in the city. The coroner said that he had probably been dead for twenty-four hours as it would have taken the body that long to have become completely frozen.