SNUG FITTING COATS WITHOUT COLLARS NOW. ~ New Style of Garment to be Seen in Kansas City.

February 16, 1908

New Style of Garment to be Seen
in Kansas City.

Coats without collars! We have come to be familiar with telgraphy without wires, we have read of wireless cook stoves, and some of us were even purueaded this season to wear hats almost without brims -- but teh time-honored prerogative of sovereign man to tur up his coat collar has never before been jeopardized.

A remarkable and very attractive window in the ain street store of the Grand Pants Company shows a new coat for men. Its snug shoulder-hugging lines curve artistically about the neck, but there is absolutely nothing which could be termed a "collar," or part of one. In effect it is very striking, but Samuel Gretzer, owner and manager of the Grand Pants stores, asserts that this style will be positively seen on the streets this coming season.

Mr. Gretzer is the originator of the Grand Pants idea, a plan of selling which has become justly famous, and has been copied all over the United States -- that of selling trousers at "$1.75 a leg, seats free!" In the ten years which he has been associated with mercantile Kansas City, he has built up one of the most remarkable businesses of its kind in the country. His success, Mr. Gretzer attributes very largely to the constant promulgation of new ideas and his untiring effort not to cheapen the output of his establishment in order to make larger profit, but to increase the value and style put into every garment. The splendid stores at 921 Main street and 12 East Twelfth street attest to the soundness of this policy, and the fact that more journeyman tailors are employed by his firm than any other in Kansas City proves that people appreciate meritorious work, however low the price.