TO NAME A "DRY" TICKET. ~ Missouri Prohibitionists Will Be in the Field Next August.

February 16, 1908

Missouri Prohibitionists Will Be in
the Field Next August.

"I am being frequently asked by persons representing all parties as to the probable action of the Prohibition party of Missouri in reference to nominating a state ticket, since some of the candidates of other parties have declared for the submission of a prohibition constitutional amendment," said Charles E. Stokes, chairman of the Prohibition state central committee, yesterday. "In reply to all such inquiries I would say most emphatically that the Prohibitionists of Missouri will place a complete state ticket before the voters at the August primary. Candidates will also be named on the primary ballot in every political division of the state where it is possible to have them under the new primary law. There are seventy counties, eleven senatorial districts and eight congressional districts where nominations can be made and the opportunity will be improved."