WANTS ITS POWERS DEFINED. ~ Supt. Greenwood Says There Are Too Many Hazy Ideas of School Board.

February 7, 1907

Supt. Greenwood Says There Are Too
Many Hazy Ideas of School Board.

Urging upon the school board in his semi-annual report the necessity of printing a manual setting forth just what the powers of the board are, "and by inference what lies entirely outside its scope of activity," J. M. Greenwood, superintendent of the schools, believes that the need of such a pamphlet has become urgent in order to "clear up the many hazy ideas that are floating around in some minds, especially of those who happen to light in here to deliver a lecture, and incidentally to tell the citizens what they ought to do, right away.

"I do not greatly fear that we are reaching that danger stage in republican government so guardedly pointed out by a disgruntled foreigner, namely, when everyone would become a lawmaker, none would be left as law obeyers," says Mr. Greenwood. "Yet, there are surface symptoms pointing in that direction.

"There is hardly a day passes when I am not called upon to answer of the board of education to do certain things which are positively prohibited by statuatory law, or by the constitution of the state."