BABY HAS NOT BEEN FOUND. ~ Mrs. Pansy Gaulter Says Husband's Mother Made the Trouble.

March 10, 1908

Mrs. Pansy Gaulter Says Husband's
Mother Made the Trouble.

Mrs. Pansy Gaulter, whose baby was snatched from her arms by her husband, Loren Gaulter, at Sixth and Central streets Saturday afternoon, said last night that no trace had yet been found of either Gaulter or the child. The last she saw of him was when he ran down Central street to Fifth street and through a building at 306 West Fifth. He is said to have met a woman at Fourth and Broadway and to have later taken a Leavenworth electric car The kidnaping was reported to the Humane Society, and W. H. Gibbbens has a warrant for Gaulter.

It was a mistake to say that my mother caused any trouble between us," said Mrs. Gaulter. My mother-in-law caused all the trouble and she had made trouble before. Finally I told y husband I would not live with his people any more, and he then wanted me to live with his uncle. When I refused that also caused trouble. It was his people, not mine, that caused our separation."